
冯志华 教授 博士生导师









1981.9-1987.7 tyc1286太阳集团,精密机械与仪器系,本科

1987.9-1990.7 tyc1286太阳集团,精密机械与仪器系,硕士研究生

1997.9-2005.7 tyc1286太阳集团,精密机械与仪器系,博士研究生


1990.07-今 tyc1286太阳集团 tyc1286太阳集团








2015年,日内瓦国际发明展金奖(涡流传感器) ,指导老师

优秀研究生导师 2015.01 tyc1286太阳集团





1、Xinxin Liao, Pang Xide, Liangguo He, Zhihua Feng: Dynamic Mass Isolation for Improving the Moving Efficiency of an Impact Drive Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 11/2019; PP(99):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TIE.2019.2950838

2、Guofeng Zhao, Jing Ying, Lei Wu, Zhihua Feng: Ultrastable and low noise self-compensation method for circuit thermal drift of eddy current sensors based on analog multiplier. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 10/2019; PP(99):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TIE.2019.2949511

3、Yanning Zhou, Jingjing Chang, Xinxin Liao, Zhihua Feng: Ring-shaped Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor for High-output Power Density with Suspension Stator. Ultrasonics 10/2019; 102:106040., DOI:10.1016/j.ultras.2019.106040

4、Min Qian, Yijun Ren, Zhihua Feng: Interference reducing by low voltage excitation for a debris sensor with triple-coil structure. Measurement Science and Technology 10/2019; 31(2)., DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/ab49c5

5、Mingxia Li, Weiwei Shao, Xiaoning Jiang, Zhihua Feng: Deconvolution in Intravascular Ultrasound to Improve Lateral Resolution. Ultrasonic Imaging 04/2019; 41(3):016173461983845., DOI:10.1177/0161734619838456

6、Jing Jing Chang, Xin Xin Liao, Yan Ning Zhou, Zhi Hua Feng: Design of an adaptive stator for bundled piezo-walk motors. Review of Scientific Instruments 04/2019; 90(4):045004., DOI:10.1063/1.5086923

7、Mingxia Li, Zhihua Feng: An Optimum Imaging Scheme for IVUS Arrays: Eccentric Cylinder Wave Compounding. Ultrasonic Imaging 03/2019; 41(3):016173461983665., DOI:10.1177/0161734619836659

8、Yijun Ren, Guofeng Zhao, Min Qian, Zhihua Feng: A highly sensitive triple-coil inductive debris sensor based on an effective unbalance compensation circuit. Measurement Science and Technology 11/2018; 30(1)., DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/aaf119

9、Yang Ye, Jian Chen, Yi Jun Ren, Zhi Hua Feng: Valve improvement for high flow rate piezoelectric pump with PDMS film valves. DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2018.09.064

10、Yi Jun Ren, Wei Li, Guo Feng Zhao, Zhi Hua Feng: Inductive debris sensor using one energizing coil with multiple sensing coils for sensitivity improvement and high throughput. Tribology International 07/2018; 128., DOI:10.1016/j.triboint.2018.07.025

11、Fang Sheng Huang, Zhi Hua Feng, Yu Ting Ma, Qiao Sheng Pan: Investigation on high-frequency performance of spiral-shaped trapezoidal piezoelectric cantilever. Modern Physics Letters B 05/2018; 32(17):1850187., DOI:10.1142/S0217984918501877

12、Fang Sheng Huang, Zhi Hua Feng, Yu Ting Ma, Qiao Sheng Pan, Lian Sheng Zhang, Yong Bin Liu, Liang Guo He: High-frequency performance for a spiral-shaped piezoelectric bimorph. Modern Physics Letters B 04/2018;, DOI:10.1142/S0217984918501117

13、Wei Li, Yang Ye, Kang Zhang, Zhihua Feng: A Thickness Measurement System for Metal Films Based on Eddy-Current Method With Phase Detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 01/2017; PP(99):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TIE.2017.2650861

14、Xuejie Ba, Qiaosheng Pan, Bin Ju, Zhihua Feng: Ultrafast Displacement Actuation of Piezoelectric Stacks With Time-Sequence. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 11/2016; PP(99):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TIE.2016.2631119

15、Weiwei Shao, Bin Ju, Zhihua Feng, Peiyang Li, Zhangjian Li, Yaoyao Cui: Temperature distribution analysis of piezoelectric transformer with heat couple component. Ferroelectrics 11/2016; 504(1):72-86., DOI:10.1080/00150193.2016.1239481

16、Qiaosheng Pan, Fangsheng Huang, Jian Chen, Liangguo He, Wei Li, Zhihua Feng: High-Speed Low-Friction Piezoelectric Motors Based On Centrifugal Force. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 11/2016; PP(99):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TIE.2016.2623578

17、Mingxia Li, Zhihua Feng: Accurate Young’s modulus measurement based on Rayleigh wave velocity and empirical Poisson’s ratio. Review of Scientific Instruments 07/2016; 87(7):075111., DOI:10.1063/1.4958825

18、Li Jiao Gong, Cheng Liang Pan, Qiao Sheng Pan, Zhi Hua Feng: Theoretical analysis of dynamic property for piezoelectric cantilever triple-layer benders with large piezoelectric and electromechanical coupling coefficients. Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 06/2016; 6(3):1650017., DOI:10.1142/S2010135X1650017X

19、Wei Li, Hongbo Wang, Zhihua Feng: Non-contact online thickness measurement system for metal films based on eddy current sensing with distance tracking technique. The Review of scientific instruments 04/2016; 87(4):045005., DOI:10.1063/1.4947234

20、Liansheng Zhang, Qian Long, Yongbin Liu, Jie Zhang, Zhihua Feng: Correlation-steered scanning for scanning probe microscopes to overcome thermal drift for ultra-long time scanning. Ultramicroscopy 04/2016; 166., DOI:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.03.013

21、Yi Jun Ren, Yu Ting Ma, Dan Huang, Jian Chen, Zhi Hua Feng: Elastic string check valves can efficiently heighten the piezoelectric pump’s working frequency. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 04/2016; 244., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2016.04.026

22、Fang Sheng Huang, Lian Sheng Zhang, Qiao Sheng Pan, Liang Guo He, Zhi Hua Feng: Investigation of tuning-fork double piezoelectric fans with elastic base. Applied Thermal Engineering 04/2016; 102., DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.03.172

23、Bin Ju, Weiwei Shao, Dan Huang, Yang Ye, Zhi Feng: A topology for inductorless actuation of piezoelectric transformer with special driving waveform. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 01/2016; 32(2):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TPEL.2016.2551372

24、Yu Ting Ma, Ce Wang, Xin Tao Yan, Zhi Hua Feng: Note: A valve-type piezoelectric reciprocating pump with secondary resonant vibrator. Review of Scientific Instruments 01/2016; 87(1):016104., DOI:10.1063/1.4940412

25、Jian Chen, Dan Huang, Zhi Hua Feng: A U-shaped piezoelectric resonator for a compact and high-performance pump system. Smart Materials and Structures 10/2015; 24(10)., DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/24/10/105009

26、Gang Yi Yan, Yong Bin Liu, Zhi Hua Feng: A Dual-Stage Piezoelectric Stack for High-Speed and Long-Range Actuation. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 10/2015; 20(5):2637-2641., DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2015.2422351

27、Jian Chen, Lian Sheng Zhang, Zhi Hua Feng: High-fidelity AFM scanning stage based on multilayer ceramic capacitors. Scanning 09/2015; 38(3)., DOI:10.1002/sca.21253

28、Xiao Wang, Yong Bin Liu, Guang Jun Xiao, Cheng Liang Pan, Zhi Hua Feng: Dual-branch reed for resonant cavity wind energy harvester with enhanced performances. ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1989-1996 (vols 203-210) 08/2015; 229(12-12):2270-2280., DOI:10.1177/0954406214557168

29、Bin Ju, Liansheng Zhang, Hongbo Wang, Weiwei Shao, Zhihua Feng: Piezoelectric ceramic acting as inductor for capacitive compensation in piezoelectric transformer. IET Power Electronics 08/2015; 8(10)., DOI:10.1049/iet-pel.2014.0579

30、Li Jiao Gong, Qiao Sheng Pan, Wei Li, Gang Yi Yan, Yong Bin Liu, Zhi Hua Feng: Harvesting vibration energy using two modal vibrations of a folded piezoelectric device. Applied Physics Letters 07/2015; 107(3)., DOI:10.1063/1.4927331

31、Gang Yi Yan, Zhi Hua Feng: Voltage proportional control reduces inertial force from an unbalanced weight in a dual-mounted actuator structure used for high performance scanning probe microscopes. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 07/2015; 233., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2015.07.028

32、Qiao Sheng Pan, Liang Guo He, Fang Sheng Huang, Xue Yan Wang, Zhi Hua Feng: Piezoelectric micropump using dual-frequency drive. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 06/2015; 229., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2015.03.029

33、Hongbo Wang, Wei Li, Zhihua Feng: A Compact and High Performance Eddy Current Sensor Based on Meander-Spiral Coil. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 05/2015;, DOI:10.1109/TMAG.2015.2436355

34、Guang Jun Xiao, Cheng Liang Pan, Yong Bin Liu, Zhi Hua Feng: In-plane torsion of discal piezoelectric actuators with spiral interdigitated electrodes. Sensors and Actuators A Physical 05/2015; 227., DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2015.03.042

35、Jie Zhang, Lian Sheng Zhang, Zhi Hua Feng: Switched capacitor charge pump used for low-distortion imaging in atomic force microscope. Scanning 03/2015; 37(3)., DOI:10.1002/sca.21203

36、Hongbo Wang, Wei Li, Zhihua Feng: Note: Eddy current displacement sensors independent of target conductivity. Review of Scientific Instruments 01/2015; 86(1)., DOI:10.1063/1.4906939]

37、Bin Ju, Weiwei Shao, Zhihua Feng: Piezoelectric Filter Module Used in Harmonics Elimination for High Efficiency Piezoelectric Transformer Driving. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 01/2015; 31(1):1-1., DOI:10.1109/TPEL.2015.2411611








7、亚毫米超螺旋陶瓷纤维调节器的研究,主持,国家自然科学基金委,2006.01 –2008.12


1、美国发明专利,Switched capacitor charge pump driver for piezoelectric actuator2015-07-28US9093925B2







8、发明专利,一种压电马达,ZL 201510895564.0