






贠国霖于2017年毕业于tyc1286太阳集团(USTC)近代力学系,获理论与应用力学理学学士学位。于2021年在李卫华教授指导下毕业于澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong, UOW)机械,材料,和机电工程学院,获机械工程博士学位。2021年加入tyc1286太阳集团工程科学学院仿生机器人实验室担任博士后工作(导师:张世武)。其目前研究方向主要包括液态金属,可拉伸导电复合材料及其在柔性传感器和可拉伸电子产品中的应用。



  1. G. Yun, S.-Y. Tang, H. Lu, S. Zhang, M. D. Dickey, W. Li

Hybrid-filler Stretchable Conductive Composites - from Fabrication to Application

Small Science, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/smsc.202000080.

  1. G. Yun, S.-Y. Tang, H. Lu, T. Cole, S. Sun, J. Shu, J. Zheng, Q. Zhang S. Zhang, M. D. Dickey, W. Li

Liquid metal hybrid composites with high-sensitivity and large dynamic-range enabled by micro- and macrostructure engineering

Composites Part B Engineering, 2021. Under review.


  1. G. Yun, S.-Y. Tang, Q. Zhao, Y. Zhang, H. Lu, D. Yuan, S. Sun, L. Deng, M. D. Dickey, W. Li

Liquid metal composites with anisotropic and unconventional piezoconductivity

Matter, 2020, 3, 824-841. Editors' favorite Matter articles, 2020

  1. Y. Zhang, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, H. Liu, G. Yun, H. Lu, M. Li, J. Guo, W. Li, S.-Y. Tang

Modular off-chip emulsion generator enabled by a revolving needle

Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20, 4592-4599.

  1. H. Lu, S.-Y. Tang, G. Yun, H. Li, Y. Zhang, R. Qiao, W. Li

Modular and integrated systems for nanoparticle and microparticle synthesis—a review

Biosensors, 2020, 10, 165.

  1. H. Lu, S.-Y. Tang, Z. Dong, D. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, G. Yun, Q. Zhao, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, R. Qiao. Dynamic temperature control system for the optimized production of liquid metal nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 6905-6914.


  1. G. Yun, S.-Y. Tang, S. Sun, D. Yuan, Q. Zhao, L. Deng, S. Yan, H. Du, M. D. Dickey, W. Li

Liquid metal-filled magnetorheological elastomer with positive piezoconductivity

Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1-9.

ESI Highly Cited Paper

This work was featured in:

Phys Org, New smart material works better under pressure


  1. S.-Y. Tang, D. R. Mitchell, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, Y. Zhang, R. Qiao, Y. Lin, M. D. Dickey, W. Li

Phase separation in liquid metal nanoparticles

Matter, 2019, 1, 192-204.

  1. S. Y. Tang, R. Qiao, Y. Lin, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, J. Guo, M. D. Dickey, T. J. Huang

Functional Liquid Metal Nanoparticles Produced by Liquid‐Based Nebulization

Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 4, 1800420.

  1. D. Yuan, Q. Zhao, S. Yan, S.-Y. Tang, Y. Zhang, G. Yun, N.-T. Nguyen, J. Zhang, M. Li, W. Li

Sheathless separation of microalgae from bacteria using a simple straight channel based on viscoelastic microfluidics

Lab on a Chip, 2019, 19, 2811-2821.

  1. Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Tang, Q. Zhao, G. Yun, D. Yuan, W. Li

High-throughput production of uniformly sized liquid metal microdroplets using submerged electrodispersion

Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114, 154101.

  1. Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, S.-Y. Tang, G. Yun, S. Yan, J. Zhang, W. Li. Top sheath flow-assisted secondary flow particle manipulation in microchannels with the slanted groove structure. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23, 1-8.

  1. D. Yuan, R. Sluyter, Q. Zhao, S. Tang, S. Yan, G. Yun, M. Li, J. Zhang, W. Li

Dean-flow-coupled elasto-inertial particle and cell focusing in symmetric serpentine microchannels

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23, 1-9.

  1. S.-Y. Tang, K. Wang, K. Fan, Z. Feng, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhao, G. Yun, D. Yuan, L. Jiang, M. Li

High-throughput, off-chip microdroplet generator enabled by a spinning conical frustum

Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 3725-3732.


  1. S. Y. Tang, R. Qiao, S. Yan, D. Yuan, Q. Zhao, G. Yun, T. P. Davis, W. Li

Microfluidic mass production of stabilized and stealthy liquid metal nanoparticles

Small, 2018, 14, 1800118.

  1. S. Y. Tang, X. Zhang, S. Sun, D. Yuan, Q. Zhao, S. Yan, L. Deng, G. Yun, J. Zhang, S. Zhang

Versatile microfluidic platforms enabled by novel magnetorheological elastomer microactuators

Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1705484.

  1. S. Yan, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, J. Zhang, W. Wen, S.-Y. Tang, W. Li

Liquid metal-based amalgamation-assisted lithography for fabrication of complex channels with diverse structures and configurations

Lab on a Chip, 2018, 18, 785-792.

  1. S. Yan, Y. Zhu, S. Y. Tang, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, W. Li

A rapid, maskless 3D prototyping for fabrication of capillary circuits: Toward urinary protein detection

Electrophoresis, 2018, 39, 957-964.

  1. S. Yan, Y. Li, Y. Zhu, M. Liu, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, S. Zhang, W. Wen, S. Y. Tang

Simple, low‐cost fabrication of semi‐circular channel using the surface tension of solder paste and its application to microfluidic valves

Electrophoresis, 2018, 39, 1460-1465.

  1. S. Yan, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, G. Yun, S.-Y. Tang, W. Li

Enhanced particle self-ordering in a double-layer channel

Biomedical Microdevices, 2018, 20, 1-7.